Push Notifications
One of the features our users were waiting in anticipation are Communicator GO push notifications.
C2C VoIP is now running Push Notifications Service that will forward requests to our hosted Push Notifications Platform. Once push request is forwarded from c2cVoIP, the platform will propagate push notifications to devices using Communicator GO.
Push notifications disabled
This feature is adding more convenience to users connectivity when they are on a business trip, working from home or simply need to answer business calls when they are outside the office.
With push notifications, mobile app does not have to be registered via SIP all the time in order to receive incoming calls or notifications. This will make sure your Communicator GO will not lose connectivity when app runs in the background and it will save battery life of your mobile device, improving overall user experience.
Although users should only benefit from the way push notifications affect the app we have still left to users to decide whether they would like to use push notifications or not.
In case you would like to disable Push Notifications click More …, Settings and in General menu toggle Push Notification slider to Off.
NOTE: Because of the way push notifications work, Communicator GO will not be registered once app goes to the background and as such, it might not be displayed as Online in c2cVoIP Monitor page.
Automatic Updates
Communicator GO 5.2 also brings up a new update mechanism. In previous versions users would have to manually check App or Play store to see if new version is available. This is no longer the case as Communicator GO will notify users once new version is available for download.
Logging in

Advanced Login
Communicator GO requires email address and password for login. Additionally, server address may be needed if cannot be found by resolving DNS record based on the email address.
In case you have your own DNS server, by adding DNS SRV record for your e-mail domain, mobile and desktop clients will make Communicator GO login much easier for end users as they will only have to provide their e-mail address and User password associated with their c2cVoIP extension and click Log In.
If you are unable to set DNS SRV or if DNS resolution fails you will receive notification DNS resolution failed and users will have to click Advanced Login and enter the server address in order to log in in with their Communicator GO client.
- Enter email address associated with your extension. This is used as username for Communicator GO login.
- Password
- To authenticate Communicator GO with your c2cVoIP server you will also need to provide user password generated on your extension.
- Host(Domain)
- This field is shown only if Advanced Login button is pressed, and allows you to enter the address of the c2cVoIP server to register to.
- Advanced Login
- This button will display additional entry field named Host(Domain) that will allow you to enter the address of the c2cVoIP server you would like to register to.
- QR Code Scan
- This button opens a camera preview for QR code scanning.
- Forgot Your Password
- By clicking this button you will open a confirmation dialog for password resetting. Email and optionally server address fields need to be filled out before attempting password reset.
Logging in using QR code
It is possible to login in Communicator GO using specially created QR code. This is often used and helpful when you log in with Communicator GO for the first time.
When administrator creates your extension, you will be assigned a long,
automatically generated user password on your email and typing it into
Communicator GO can be error prone.
With this feature you can simply scan the QR code attached in the extensions credentials email, by pressing SCAN QR CODE button and pointing your phone camera to the monitor.
Once QR code image is detected Communicator GO will fill out all the fields necessary for login.
Setting new password after logging in for the first time

When you log in Communicator GO for the first time, you will be asked to change your password. You will have to enter new password and retype it in order to confirm it. In case you make a mistake so password entries do not match or in case password is not strong enough, NEXT button will stay disabled. Once your password match our strength criteria you will be able to log in.
Location and Phone settings

- Location
Clicking on country name opens screen with countries to choose from.
- Phone Numbers
- This section contain numbers defined with your extension. You can add more numbers using ADD NEW NUMBER button and sort them by priority using the drag handle on the right of number and label. These numbers appear in a list of numbers associated with your extension when someone tries to call you from Communicator GO or desktop Communicator.
Default dialer screen is displayed once Communicator GO is started.
Call button in dialer screen has three states depending on softphone registration status and connectivity status.
If softphone is not registered and button is yellow, calls still can be made if callback option is configured.
There are three states Communicator GO dialer can be in:
- Green – Call can be made over SIP protocol (WiFi and Mobile Data Networks)
- Yellow – Call can be made with Callback module (Mobile Data Networks)
- Gray – Call can not be made (No Network Connections)
Editable dial number
The entered number inside the dialer of the Communicator GO iOS can now be modified before placing a call.
In Communicator GO, calls can be made over SIP protocol, which is a primary option or using Callback module in pwproxy.
Call scenarios may vary and will depend on network connection (WiFi, Mobile Data, No Connection), service availability and connections (SIP Server, Callback Module) and setup in settings for “SIP over mobile internet”
Table above displays the order in which Communicator GO will try to establish call in different scenarios.
If we for example take an first scenario for WiFi where order is:
- SIP Call
- Callback Call
- No Success
This means that in scenario where device is connected through the WiFi, app is connected to the SIP Server and Callback Module is available with your c2cVoIP server, Communicator GO will first try to make a SIP Call. If unsuccessful, it will then try to make a call using Callback and if this fails it will display the message that call was not made.
You can add other users and contacts from phone book to favorites to have them in one place and have them show up first while performing an action, e.g. transferring a call.
Users can be added/removed from favorites by clicking Add to favorites or Remove from favorites on user’s details screen as shown in the pictures below.
Communicator GO Favorites list
Favorites screen appears when user clicks Favorites Tab from Header Bar in Phone Screen.
When this screen is shown, if there is no favorites, “No Favorites” label should be displayed in the middle of the screen. By default, favorites are displayed in Grid mode and sorted by name in ascendingorder.
Clicking the favorite which is a Communicator GO contact (extension) will display extension options screen and if favorite contact is a contact from your device’s phonebook Contact’s Screen will be shown.
Recents screen will be displayed when user press Recents Tab from Header Bar in Phone Screen and list of the recent calls will be displayed.
In case there is no recent calls, “No Recents” label should be displayed in the middle of the screen.
Recent calls are displayed in list mode and sorted descending by the date/time.
Clicking the favorite which is a Communicator GO contact (extension) will display extension options screen and if favorite contact is a contact from your device’s phonebook Contact’s Screen will be shown.
Communicator contacts
When you press Communicator GO icon in the bottom bar list of c2cVoIP users from your organization will be displayed. Users can be sorted according to presence and department in ascending and descending order.
Clicking on a user will open up user’s details screen from which you are able to see user information and perform different actions.
In case user associated additional phone numbers with their extension, these numbers will be listed as well and you will be able to dial them by simply pressing the number.
Optimization for large contacts directories’
Loading for large phonebooks now works faster than ever so Communicator GO iOS users are not
inconvenienced when having lots of numbers to load.
NOTE: Feature available in Communicator GO 5.2.1
Communicator contacts Search Screen
To search Communicator contacts click on the search icon in the upper right corner and search entry field will be displayed. Click in the search field and enter the name of contact you would like to find.
As you start entering search pattern (contact name or extension number) list of Communicator contacts will be filtered based on the pattern you enter. Once your contact is visible on the screen click on it and you will be taken into Communicator contact screen. From here you will be able to call this contact or perform other actions.
Extensions Departments
This screen appears when you press Menu icon in the upper right corner of the screen and once Menu screen is opened Departments selection will be available as a first option on the list. By default, “All” is selected for departments so all the users are available on the list, however, in case you need to filter users by specific department, you must click All to see a list of all available departments.
To filter users by specific department, click on preferred department in the list. Once department is selected you should only see c2cVoIP users that are members of that department.
In case you would like to restore default view for all departments simply repeat the process and instead of specific department select All from the list.
SIP Call
SIP Call Screen appears when user initiate or receive a call through c2cVoIP. With CallKit integration introduced in Communicator GO iOS, options on connected call are similar to options available in native iOS dialer app.
Once call is connected Communicator GO allows you to perform several actions:
- Mute
- Mute allows you to disable the microphone on your device, preventing any unwanted communication on your side to be transmitted to other side of the call.
- Speaker
- Press Speaker button if you would like to put your device in speakerphone mode, allowing you to continue the without holding the device on your ear, or to allow other persons in the room to join the conversation through a single device.
- Hold
- Hold option will put caller on hold and play Music on Hold until Hold is pressed again or call is transferred to another destination.
- Transfer
- Transfer button allows you to initiate blind or attended transfer to a c2cVoIP extension or outbound number.
- Invite
- Invite option allows you to create Instant conference by adding one or more people to ongoing call. With this option you can add c2cVoIP extensions or any number available from your contact list.
- Dialpad
- Use the Dialpad to enter the phone number you want to dial. Click on the Dial icon to place a call.
- SIP Call Volume Settings, Statistics and Call to My Devices will appear if user taps Settings Button at the top right corner.
Call to My Devices
- Volume
- When presented, SIP Call Audio Settings Screen displays two slider, for Output Gain (Speaker, Ear Piece, Bluetooth, Headphones, …) and Input Gain (Microphone of iOS Device, Bluetooth, …).
- Default values are taken from iOS Device’s values for output and input.
- Range of slider goes from 0.0 (mute) to 2.0 (gain is increased by 200% of the device’s gain).
- Statistics
- Statistics will display Call Statistics Screen with variety of statistics information, total of transferred packets, packet loss etc. for ongoing SIP Call.
- My Devices
- Pressing My Devices will transfer a call to all devices that are registered with your extension. They all ring and you can continue call on any of them by answering the call. This can be particularly useful in situations where you need to leave the office but would like to continue ongoing call on your mobile device.
Call transfer
You can transfer a call by clicking transfer icon from call options menu. You will be presented with Transfer options.
Contact selection screen
Call options
Default option is blind transfer (toggle switch is set to Off) and if that is your preferred selection to do is to press To contacts… and select person from c2cVoIP User list you would like to transfer call to. In addition, you can also transfer call to anybody on your Contacts list.
However, if you would like to make Attended transfer and would like to talk to the person you are transferring call to, you will press toggle switch in order to set it to On and then click To contacts… and select person you would like to transfer call to from Users or Contacts list.
- To contact…
- Pressing To contact… brings up a screen with favorites, users and phone book contacts to choose someone to transfer call to.
- To number…
- In case you would like to type in the number you would like to transfer call to, all you have to do is to enter the number in entry field and press Transfer button that will be displayed once number is entered. Although, one would usually use this option to enter external number, this will also work with any valid extension number available on the c2cVoIP server.
NOTE: Message “For landline numbers outside your SIM country, enter number in format {CountryCode}{AreaCode}{Number}” means, that if user is trying to transfer call to a SIM phone number outside user’s country, country code and area code of the number have to be included also.
Tapping “Cancel”, prompt disappears, cancelling that option for transfer.
Tapping “Transfer”, if everything ok, number is in good format, call is transferred, prompt disappears, Transfer Call Screen is dismissed, Call Screen is dismissed.
Multiple SIP Calls
Outgoing SIP Call
Communicator GO offers an option to handle two calls at the same time.
This means, if there is one SIP call in progress and you receive another call, it will be presented to user on the SIP Call Screen.
Communicator GO will exit from Multiple SIP Calls state if one of the calls is finished.
Conference calls
Beside the ability to handle multiple calls, Communicator GO also allow you to join two calls into Instant conference. In addition to this, users can join Defined conference rooms and add other participants same as on Communicator desktop app.
Selecting a conference will display a list of participants and “JOIN” button at the bottom allows you to join selected conference. List of participants is updated in real time as users join or leave the conference room.
When flagged as conference Admin, user will also have option to Mute or Kick conference participants.
Communicator GO supports listening and making voicemails and all related actions. On iOS devices, all voicemails have to be in .wav format, because it is only format supported.
To have this, in Settings of pwproxy server, voicemail format has to be set to “wav”.
Voicemails Screen is presented after user taps on Voicemail icon in the bottom bar.
By default, user will see a list of new voicemails and it is indicated by header of the list where it is written List of new voicemails. Also, in right corner of Navigation Bar, Voicemail Toggle Buttons displays “Old” text.
When Old button is tapped, list will show old voicemails with header displaying message “List of OLD voicemails” and Voicemail Toggle Button displaying “New” text. If there is no voicemails, “No Voicemails” label should be displayed.
When taped on “Info” Button, Voicemail Screen will be presented. Else, if tapped on voicemail directly, Voicemail Actions Screen is displayed.
Voicemail Screen
Voicemail screen is presented:
- when user taps on “Info” Button in Voicemails Screen
- when “Play” action is tapped in Voicemail Action Screen
Voicemail Screen contains four parts:
- Navigation Bar
- a. Back Button
- Header Bar
- a. Time Play Pass Indicator
- b. Progress Bar
- c. Time Play Left Indicator
- Main View
- a. Avatar of the voicemail sender, if any, else, default image of person with black shadow and white background
- b. Name of the voicemail sender, number and date
- Footer Bar
- a. Stop – stops playing and resets to the start voicemail
- b. Play/Pause – plays and pauses voicemail
- c. Toggle Speaker – On/Off speaker
When this screen is presented by tapping “Info” Button on Voicemails Screen, voicemail is in not playing state.
When presented by directly tapping on voicemail in Voicemails Screen, voicemail is in playing state, which means:
- “Pause” button is shown,
- speaker is on with red color,
- time indicators are active,
- progress bar is active and showing progress of voicemail that is playing with red color.
After voicemail playing finishes, Voicemail Actions Screen is shown.
Voicemail Actions Screen
This screen is shown:
- when user taps directly on voicemail in Voicemails Screen
- when voicemail finishes playing
This screen displays:
- voicemail sender details (name, number)
- actions:
- Play – displays Voicemail Screen and plays voicemail instantly.
- Move to Old/New – moves voicemail to old (listened) or new (not listened) folder.
- Delete – deletes voicemail from device and server (voicemail will not be accessible ever again).
- Call – call a sender’s number
- Voicemail – leave a voicemail to a sender
- More call options, if sender has more numbers that can be called.
When voicemail moved to Old folder (marked as listened), voicemail badge from Left menu decreases by one, or if zero disappears.
If voicemail is already in Old folder, action “Move to New” will be displayed.
Depending, if sender is extension, then actions: Call, Voicemail and more call actions will be available.
When this screen is displayed, background is dimmed.
Calling other voicemail boxes directly
In case you would like to leave a voicemail directly, dial *125EXT_No where EXT_No is extension number of a contact, alternatively or you could open user’s details screen and click Call voicemail as shown below.
Click Call Voicemail to leave a voicemail message to contact.
Call monitor
When call monitoring is enabled in the ES on the extension, users will see a 3 dots menu inside the extension profile and when pressed, the call monitoring feature will be available. If you don’t have call monitoring enabled on the extension, you will not be able to see that option.
When call monitoring is enabled in the ES on the extension, users will see a 3 dots menu inside the extension profile and when pressed, the call monitoring feature will be available. If you don’t have call monitoring enabled on the extension, you will not be able to see that option.
NOTE: Feature available in Communicator GO 5.2.1
Communicator GO dashboard incorporates call information and easy control of Enhanced Services.
Dashboard can be started from the drawer menu and will present you with latest call information. Call related data like total calls, number of answered calls, talk time and Billing information will be displayed in the dashboard.
In addition, user will be able to see voicemail status and number of voicemail messages. On top of that, users will now be able to see current status of enhanced services as well as be able to enable or disable them. Users are now able to control Call Forwarding, Do Not Disturb and Block Caller ID services.
In case more than one device is registered to particular extension Registered Devices section will display information about all connected device including User Agent, IP address and Country name device is connecting from (based on GeoIP information).
Today’s calls
Today’s calls section displays information on call statistics for current day.
- Total
- This field provides information on total number of calls (inbound/outbound) extension made today.
- Answered
- This field provides information on number of answered calls extension made today.
- Talk time
- This field provides information on total time extension was on call today. Talk time is formatted as H:MM:SS.
- Call Rating
- This field will display the amount of extension funds spent for the day. In case call rating is not enabled, Disabled notification will be displayed.
Settings section allows you to check status of extensions Enhanced Services, as well as option to enable or disable them.
- Call forwarding
- This option allows you to enable or disable call forwarding enhanced service. Status will inform you whether Call Forwarding is turned On or Off.
- Do Not Disturb
- This option allows you to enable or disable Do Not Disturb enhanced service. Status will inform you whether Call Forwarding is turned On or Off.
- Block Caller ID
- This option allows you to enable or disable Caller ID blocking. Status will inform you whether Block Caller ID is turned On or Off.
Registered Devices
This section contains information about all devices registered to extension. In case more than one device is registered to particular extension Registered Devices section will display information about all registered devices including User Agent, IP address and Country name device is registering from (based on GeoIP information).
- User Agent
- This field provides information about User Agent type for every registered device.
- IP
- This field provides information about IP address for every registered device.
- Country
- This field will display the Country name for every registered device, based on GeoIP information for its IP address.
- General – option shows screen with general settings for Communicator GO.
- Self Care – Selecting Self Care option will display screen with settings for blocking caller ID and call forwarding Enhanced Services.
- Location and Phone – shows screen with settings for Country, SIM number, and phone numbers associated with your account.
- Notifications – option shows all new notifications for Communicator GO (e.g. missed calls, new voicemail, server notifications…)
- Sounds – allows you to select ringtone for incoming calls and to Disable dialpad sounds.
- Check for updates – option will contact Bicom Release Manager and check if updates are available for your Communicator GO client.
- About – will display Communicator GO about page with version number and contact information.
- Send Feedback – option launches email client with “To” and “Subject” fields pre populated for sending feedback.
Self Care options
Self Care options in settings include options to block your caller ID, enable unconditional call forwarding and to specify the number to forward calls to.
If the number to forward calls to is not specified, calls will be forwarded to voicemail.
Note that self care options are available if they are enabled on server side.
If Block caller ID option is checked, “Anonymous” will be in place of your caller ID.
If Call forwarding option is checked, all incoming calls will be forwarded to number specified under Forward calls to option.
Forward number option enables you to enter a number to forward calls to.
SIP Call Statistics
As mentioned previously SIP Call Statistics Screen is displayed when user press Statistics button while on active call.
SIP Call Statistics Screen displays List of statistics for current SIP Call.
Information provided here may vary and will depend on settings and call scenario, for example, whether the call is made over secure media transport etc.
Common options are:
- Callee – end participant in call
- Call Time – duration of the call
- Codec – which audio codec is used for call media
- SRTP Status – call is made over secure media transport
- RX Package Loss – received packages loss for call in percentages
- RX Jitter – received jitter for call in milliseconds
- TX Package Loss – sent packages loss for call in percentages
- TX Jitter – sent jitter for call in milliseconds
Sign out / Quit Communicator GO
There are two ways to quit Communicator GO. First is by pressing More… followed by Log out from main drawer menu.
You will be offer to Sign Out, which will clear your profile data and you will be asked to provide login credentials next time you start Communicator GO,
or you can press Quit to terminate the application. This option will exit Communicator GO leaving all your profile data and settings untouched. Next time you start Communicator GO you will be logged in to your account.
Other option is native iOS way to quit the application. Press Home button on your device two times and swipe the app window away.
NOTE: If Push notifications are enabled, you will still be able to receive the call even when app is not started. In order to prevent this you will either have to disable Push notifications or to Sign out of your account.