VoIP Faxing means huge savings no matter what!
Faxing over VoIP means you are sending and receiving your faxes over an IP network instead of your plain old telephone lines. This means no long distance charges and huge savings! This can be accomplished by using your current fax machine or by using your VoIP phone system that takes you paperless!
Do you want to keep your fax machine? No Problem!
Our fax solution connects your current fax machine to the Internet via an analog terminal adapter (ATA). This will save you money on the line cost and get rid of all your long distance charges.
c2cvoip Service plans include:
- Unlimited inbound faxes
- Unlimited outbound faxes to the US/Canada
- International faxes billed at c2cvoip International rates
Want to go paperless? Perfect!
Use our Desktop Communicator to send and receive faxes right from your desk. When you receive faxes they are processed in the cloud and delivered to you via email in the form of a pdf. You never have to leave your seat which means more convenience and more productivity.
Going paperless means no more fax line costs, no more fax machine to maintain, and no more paper and toner to buy!
c2cvoip Service plans include:
- Unlimited inbound faxes
- Unlimited outbound faxes to the US/Canada
- International faxes billed at c2cvoip International rates
When you use the c2cvoip Desktop Communicator for faxing you get convenience, reliability, mobility, and huge cost savings!
- Send fax from any application – PDF
- Send fax from Communicator interface
- Receive fax to Communicator
- See fax history
- Built in fax cover page
- Dedicated fax interface
- Additional info fields to use
- Comments and status fields
- Request action from receiver options
I know faxing is a dying office task but you won’t believe how many of my vendors still rely on it. Although I try to email everything I still get requests that ask for fax correspondence. I went paperless and I never looked back. No more fax machine to maintain and I saw all my costs go down heavily. I love faxing from my desk and getting my faxes delivered to my inbox. You have to love technology!