
Working with Communicator


      • E-mail:File:4.0-login-win.png

Provide the e-mail address that is assigned to your extension.

  • Password:

Enter the password that you created during the Communicator configuration.

  • Remember password

Check if you want Communicator to save your password.

  • Log In automatically on startup

When this option is turned on, Communicator will log in automatically. Every time Communicator is started, it will automatically log in.

  • Forgot my password

If a user forgets his password, he can recover it by clicking the ‘Forgot my Password’ link. The user will receive a password recovery link via email.



  • User imageFile:4.0-toolbar-win.png

A user-defined image that is displayed on the user’s profile.
You can change your avatar image by clicking on your current avatar and a new window will appear with avatar settings. Browse for the image from your computer and set the preferred image options.
Communicator now supports higher resolution avatars, allowing users to set up any resolution between 256×256 and 512×512 pixels

  • Username

User defined name which is shown in your chat conversations.

  • Missed Calls

Displays any missed calls or reads No Missed Calls.

  • Status and Status Message

If left-clicked, a menu will open. The user will be able to choose his availability: Online, Busy, Do not Disturb, Away, and/or Offline. In My Settings -> Status, users can set their personal messages or news and upload their profile picture.


  • Phone

Opens a softphone window next to the Communicator main window.

  • Voice Conference

Opens a Voice conference window next to the Communicator main window.

  • Group Chat

Opens a Group Chat window next to the Communicator main window.

  • Voicemail

Opens a Voicemail window next to the Communicator main window.

  • Channels

Opens a ‘Channels’ window next to the Communicator main window.

  • Fax

Offers the choice to send a fax or view received faxes. Based on your choice, an additional window will open next to Communicator.

  • Camera Preview

Opens the webcam preview window.

  • Surveillance Camera

Opens up a Surveillance Camera preview. This option will work only if you have your surveillance camera set up on the IP address in Tools –> Preferences –> Video –> Surveillance Camera.

  • Online self care

In order to login to Online Self Care, point your browser to:

Email: The email address assigned to the extension

(ex. The provided email address is used as a username for logging into Online Self Care

Password/PIN: The PIN assigned to the extension

(ex. This field accepts the extension’s PIN (e.g.1981))

  • Parked calls:

Once a call is parked, it can be picked up by anyone at any location by dialing the parked extension.

  • Search

Opens a Search panel below the toolbar. Type the name of the contact that you wish to locate in the search panel.

  • Settings

Opens a Preferences window. Refer to the Preferences chapter for detailed instructions.

  • Help

Redirects to back here: If you still have any questions, please feel free to contact our support department.

Destinations and Communicator Modules

Communicator can place a call to any system destination, for example: extensions, queues, conferences, voicemail, system calls, or parking. Calls can be placed with a drag-and-drop motion from one extension to another, or directly from the phone display to the extension, for example. Right clicking on a contact name offers more possible actions regarding the selected extension.

This way the user can:File:4.1-right-clickbusiness.png

– Make a call from Communicator
– Make a Video Call from Communicator
– Chat with the selected contact
– Send an email to a contact
– Block the selected contact
– Call the selected contact On Available
– Check Voicemail
– Monitor calls
– Add the selected contact to ‘Favorites’
– See more information about the contact
– See a chat history with the selected contact
– Re-request subscription

Placing Phone Calls


1. Open Phone module

Click on the Phone module icon to show the Phone module.

2. Dial entering the phone number

Use the Phone module dial keypad or keys on your keyboard to enter the phone number you want to dial.
Click on the Dial icon to place a call.

3. Dial with Drag and Drop

With your mouse click and hold any contact from the contact list, then drag the selected contact from the Communicator list to the phone module area, and Release (Drop) the contact.
Click the Dial button to place a call.

Live call


4. Transfer options:

– Blind/transfer to a phone number: Type in some number (i.e. mobile phone) and transfer the call to it.

– Transfer to another ongoing call: If a user has 2 or more active calls, he can transfer the calls from one to another. One simple scenario is: A Communicator user is talking to John Doe. He receives a call from Allison Smith while speaking to John Doe. The Communicator user is now able to add Allison Smith to the existing call with John Doe and all 3 participants will now hear each other.

5. Switch phone

During a live call, you can use the Switch Phone button to initiate ringing across all registered devices so the user to continue the call on another device. A perfect example would be switching from your desk phone to your mobile when you need to leave your office but would like to continue your call.









6. Call MonitorFile:4.1-call-monitor-business.png

If your administrator enables Call Monitor on your extension in Enhanced Services, you will be able to listen to any call in real time. When a call is placed, right click on the user that is on call and choose Call Monitor. You can escalate from silent monitoring to “barging in” to speaking with all parties.File:4.0-enhanced-monitor-lin.png





The phone module area where information about possible missed calls is shown.File:4.0-phone-module-win.png

  • From the phone module you can set up office and mobile phones by clicking the settings icon next to missed calls information.
  • Select your audio device by clicking the headset icon. It points to the Preferences->Phone->Audio devices section where you can choose which Input, Output, and Ringtone device to use.
  • A green (or eventually red) circle shows the Phone module connection status. If green is shown, the Phone module is connected and the user can place calls. If a red circle is shown, the Phone module is not connected and the user is unable to place a call, in which case the user should contact their system administrator.
  • The attachment sign is used to attach the phone module to the phone window.
  • In the Phone module you can see which phone mode is set by default. If you have selected both modes, click on the dropdown menu and switch to another mode. Next to this dropdown there is a DND icon with the option to set your status to Do Not Disturb.
  • Phone module area where a contact is shown after the Drag-and-Drop action.
  • Phone module area where a dialed contact’s phone number is shown.
  • Speaker volume tuner. Adjust the speaker volume by moving the slider up or down. Do not increase volume more than needed because it can induce hearing loss.
  • Microphone volume tuner. Adjust the microphone volume by moving the slider up or down.
  • Phone module dial keypad. Used for entering phone numbers.

File:win-call button.png – When a phone number is entered, click on the Call button to place a call.

File:win-video button.png – When a phone number is entered, click on the Video button to start a Video call.

File:win-voicemail button.png – When a new Voicemail message is available, this button will flash.

Click on the Voicemail button to check your voicemail.

File:win-redial button.png – Click on the Redial button to redial the last dialed contact or phone number.

Voice Conference

  • Group Chat module area where the name of the module is shown.
  • Plus sign used to invite a contact using his landline or mobile number.
  • The attachment sign is used to attach the phone module to the conference window.





  • Select a box to choose from a conference room File:win-63-channels.pngFile:4.0-conference-dropdown.png

The Voice Conference module area where a contact is shown after Drag-and-Drop.


To remove a contact from a Chat Group, click win-59-x.png

Click on win-60-start-button.pngbutton to start the Voice Conference.

Click on win-61-close-button.pngto close the Voice Conference.

Chat in a Group

File:win-chat group06.png

1. Open Group Chat moduleFile:4.1-group-chat-win.png

  • Click on Group Chat module icon to show Group Chat module.

2. Group Chat with Drag and Drop

  • With your mouse click and hold any contact from the contact list, then drag the selected contact from the Communicator list to the Group Chat module area, and Release (Drop) the contact. Repeat this action to Drag-and-Drop more contacts into the Group Chat.


  • Click on the Start button to start a Group Chat with the selected contacts.


  • Group Chat module area where the name of the module is shown.


  • Attachment sign is used to attach phone module to window.



  • Group Chat module area where contact is shown after Drag and Drop action.File:win-58-drag-contact.png


  • To remove a contact from the Chat Group, 59-x.png


  • Click win-60-start-button.png to start the Group Chat.


  • Click win-61-close-button.png to close the Chat Group window and stop the Group Chat.



Select a Voicemail message and click delete-button.png to delete it. Please note, voicemail delete is permanent.

Click open-button.png to move the selected voicemail message to the old messages directory.

Click call-button1.2.png to place a call to a contact who left a voicemail message.


Click play-button.png to play the selected voicemail message.

Click win-66-new-messages.png tab to show new voicemail messages.

Click win-67-old-messages.png tab to show old voicemail messages.









Channels module area where the name of module is shown.


The attachment sign is used to attach the phone module to the window.

Click win-69-select-box01.png to choose a department to which the user wants to send a message.

Click win-70-send-message.png to open a Channels message window.

Click win-61-close-button.png to close the Channels module window and stop the Channels conversation.







Placing Video Calls

To place a video call, right click on a Communicator contact and select Video Call from the drop-down menu.

Sending Fax

1. Outgoing faxesFile:win-fax-note-message09.png


Click on the Fax module icon, then select Send fax to open the Fax module.

Read the information message and click the OK button.File:4.0-fax-win.png

PDF file:

Enter the path or browse for a PDF file that you wish to send using the icon.

Information that you enter in the Send FAX wizard will be displayed on the FAX cover page if you choose to send a cover page. In the Send Fax window you can see two sections, To and From.

To Section


Enter the name of recipient. For example, Tim Barr.


Enter the phone number to which you want to send your fax, for example 18585551212.


Enter the phone number of the recipient.


Enter the recipient’s email.


Enter the recipient’s company name.

From Section


This field will be automatically populated with your Communicator username.


Enter your fax number.


Enter your phone number.


Enter your email.


Enter your company’s name.

Additional information like comments and status can be entered also.


2. Incoming faxes

Show list of all received and pending fax documents.File:73-fax-incoming.png

Click refresh-icon.png to Refresh the list of incoming faxes.

Click download-icon.png to Download the selected fax files to your hard drive.

Video Window

  • Show Video Window

Opens the webcam preview window.



  • Surveillance Camera

Opens up a Surveillance Camera preview. This option will work only if you have your surveillance camera set up in the IP address in Communicator –> Preferences –> Video –> Surveillance Camera.


Online self care

In order to login to Online Self Care, point your browser to: http://$IPADDRESS/ File:4.0-OSC-win.png(For Example: When you click on the Communicator OSC icon, you are automatically directed to your OSC page.

Email: The email address assigned to the extension
(ex. The provided email address is used as a username for logging into Online Self Care

Password/PIN: The user password assigned to the extension
(ex. This field accepts your Communicator password (e.g.n9h*Caq1Icr))

Quick List

File:quick list.png

Quick list buttons enable a quick overview of Communicator, Contacts, Favorites, and Recent tabs.

Communicator. Switch to Communicator. Displays a list of all Communicator contacts.
Contacts. Switch to Contacts view. Displays a list of all saved and imported contacts.
Favorites. Switch to Favorites view. Displays all contacts that you marked as a favorite.
Recent. Switch to Recent view. Displays log of all recent missed, received, and dialed.


File Menu

  • Log Out

Click on Log Out to log out from active connection(s).

  • Exit

Click on Exit button to log out from active connection(s) and close Communicator application.

1. Chat History
Shows a history of chat conversation with your contacts.

Users (field)

List of all contacts the user chatted with.

Message (tab)

Displays chat history per date.

Delete (button)

Click on the Delete button to delete the selected chat conversation.

Delete All (button)

Click on the Delete All button to delete all chat conversations with selected contact.

Search (tab)File:4.0-chat-history.png

Users can use the Chat History Search feature to search for a term in the search history.

Search for (field)

Enter a term to be searched.

User (select box)

Select one particular or all users from the list.

Date (select box)

Choose any or a specific date for your search.

2. Departments

Show a list of company departments at the bottom of the Communicator window.



3. Received faxes

Inbound Fax Documents

4. Contacts

You can choose the Communicator users list layout. Choose between Large Icons, Small Icons, and Grid View.


5. Diagnostic logsFile:4.0-diagnstic-logs.png

Here you can see diagnostic logs with the level of verbosity that you have set in Preferences->General->Diagnostic Logs.






Tools MenuFile:4.1-tools-menu-win.png

  • Fax

Add Fax Printer Automatically
Add Fax Printer Manually
Install Port Monitor

  • Web browser add-ons…

Click on Download web browser add-ons to add the browser add-on which will allow the user to select and dial a phone number directly from a web page. Supported browsers: Internet Explorer, FireFox, Safari, and Chrome.

  • Communicator edition…

Change the Communicator edition.
Changing Communicator editions is not possible in case if “Shared configuration” is enabled.

Shared Configuration


By enabling shared configuration, all users on this computer will share same Login account, phone mode and edition.

E-mail: email address is displayed in this field.
Password: in case that option “Enable” is unchecked, password will be hidden. After you check “Enable” option, option “Show Password” will be functional.
Login Server: Shows IP address of server.
SIP proxy (optional): this field is optional.
Edition: In this option select edition for your Communicator. Current edition is displayed, but possibility to choose between other editions is given.

Choose which phones you want to use:

Softphone: choose to use Softphone.
Deskphone: choose to use Deskphone.
Polycom: choose to use Polycom phone.

Polycom IP:
In case that user chose Polycom, in this option user needs to provide IP address of Polycom phone.


Click on Preferences to open Communicator settings. For more about preferences, please visit the Preferences chapter.

Contacts MenuFile:4.0-contacts-menu-win.png

  • Sort contacts by status

Click to sort contacts according to status.

  • Sort contacts alphabetically

Click to sort all contacts in alphabetical order.

  • Show only Online users

Click to display only users that are online at the time.

  • Privacy List

Click on the Privacy List to view blocked and hidden users.

-Blocked users

When you block a user, he or she cannot see you ‘Online’ and cannot send messages to you.

-Hidden users

When you hide a user, he will not be in your list of your contacts, but you will be able to search for him.


1. Communicator Help

    • Redirects back to this page. If you still have any questions, please feel free to contact our support department.

2. Check for updatesFile:4.0-updates-alert.png

  • Check online for official product updates.

If there are updates available, the software will apply them automatically. If your software is up to date, you will receive a message as stated above.

3. About

  • Information about the current version of Communicator.




General settings

1. Launch application at startup

If checked, this allows Communicator to start up automatically when the OS starts.

2. Log In automatically on startup

If checked, this allows user to login in Communicator , when user starts Communicator.

3. Set default associations button (tel://, sip://, callto://, etc)

Clicking on this button, new window pops up.
User can select the extensions that he wants this program to open by default.

4. Language

Select your language.
Click on the Add language button to add another language.
NOTE: Application restart is required

5. Always on Top

Select one of the following options:

– Disable always on top – All other windows are behind the Communicator window
– Call window always on top – All other windows are behind the call window
– Call and Contacts window always on top – All other windows are behind the Communicator and call windows

6. Diagnostic logs

If this option is enabled, then all SIP and PWProxy information will be logged.

SIP logging level:

Here you can set a level of verbosity for SIP logging. You can choose between 1 – 10 levels.

Jabber logging level:

You can choose between four logging levels for Jabber: Error, Warning, Info; Debug.

7. Tray icon blink duration (for pending notifications)

User can set how long icon notifications will blink for pending, not reviewed Communicator notifications.

When you make a change, click OK. If you do not want to make any changes, click Cancel.



1. General

Display size

  • Display size of users and contacts (list view)

This option applies for the list view only.

Grid view options

  • Enable grid view

When this option is checked, Communicator will show users in a grid view (thumbnails).

  • Show user name

Show the names of contacts.

  • Show personal message

Show status of contacts.

Online Users

Allows the user to define conditions that need to be met for a user to be considered an ‘online’ user. In the main window, the user has the option to show only “Online” users.

– Online on IM and Phone – when this option is selected, a user will be considered “Online” if he is available for both Chat and Phone calls.
– Online on IM or Phone – when this option is selected, a user will be considered “Online” if he is available for either Chat or Phone calls.
– Online on IM – shows only contacts who are logged in Communicator.
When this option is selected, a user will be considered “Online” if he is available for Chat.
– Online on Phone – shows only contacts who are connected with their phone.
When this option is selected, a user will be considered “Online” only if he is available for Phone calls.

Default contact double-click action:

When you choose the chat option, double clicking a contact will open a chat window.
If you choose the call option, double clicking a contact will call the contact.

Sync my contacts daily

When you click on check box for this option, you will sync your contacts daily

2. Google

  • Enable Google contacts integration

Check this box if you want to integrate your Google account contacts with Communicator
Enter the Google e-mail and password with which you want to integrate.

  • Proxy settings

Here you can specify your proxy server and port.

3. Outlook

  • In order to enable Outlook contacts integration with Communicator you need to enable Communicator plugin in Outlook and check the Enable adding of Outlook Contacts box.


1. Hide the keypad after a call is placed

2. Dynamic conferencing (softphone)

Use system Conferencing (recommended) – the server is used for mixing audio (DYNAMIC conference on Asterisk)
Use 3-way conference call (SIP) – SIP client to make 2 calls on local computers is done by mixing

3. Ring volume

Logout for changes to take effect.

4. Office and Mobile phones

Set up your Office and Mobile phones here. Unified Communications allows you to use multiple phones simultaneously including a softphone, desk phone, and mobile phone.


My phones…(button)

When you click on the My Phones button, a new window will open with two tabs, Office and Mobile.


  • Softphone

If you check “Use softphone”, you can place and receive phone calls using your computer.

  • Deskphone

If you check “Use desk phone”, you can control calls on your IP desk phone from your computer.

NOTE: If your desk phone is Polycom, check “My desk phone is Polycom” and enter the IP address of the phone in the “Polycom IP address” field. Click Configure so you can configure Polycom for use with Communicator.


  • Click on the Mobile tab and click the + icon to add a Mobile phone number and its label.

NOTE: Adding mobile numbers between Communicator and the server is integrated, so you only have to do it either on your Communicator or in your extensions Enhanced Services.

1. Input device

  • Microphone device

2. Output device

  • Headphones or other sound device that you can playing sound.

3. Ringtone device

Separate the audio device, but it can be the same as the output so that you do not have to keep your headphones on all the time to hear the phone when it rings.

Dialing Rules

1. Dialing rules

  • Here you can set dialing rules for outbound calls.
  • For example, if a user copies and pastes a phone number (from the clip board) and it starts with a + sign, it will be replaced with the international dialing code 00 by applying the following rule.
  • Multiple rules can be defined.
  • The Add and Remove buttons are used to add another dialing rule or to remove the selected rule from the list.

Regular expressions can be used for the text that will be replaced.

Speed dial

Added speed dial.
The user can configure speed dial in Communicator . The allowed digits are in the 1-99 range. This is not to be confused with the systems speed dial. This is a local option saved on the computer where Communicator is running.


  • List of available audio codecs sorted by priority.


1. Encryption

  • We recommend using settings from the server, but you can also use encryption for voice and video calls (TLS and SRTP)

2. Register every

  • The number of seconds after which Communicator will re-register the SIP softphone.

3. Local SIP port

  • Which port to bind on locally (on the PC). Leave empty to use any available port.

5. Send keep alives

  • Enable this option for Communicator to send SIP Keep-Alives to the server. Contact your system administrator for more information.,


In order to use Video Calls, your Communicator has to be set up as a soft phone.

Make sure your UAD in Profile -> General is set to Communicator


  • Resolution

Here you can change the quality of your video. For example: If your bandwidth is low or you are experiencing temporary networking issues, you can set the video quality to Low resolution to get better video performance.


List of codecs sorted by priority. You can change the codec settings in the “Advanced codec settings” section, but we recommend using default values.


By default, Communicator uses your system camera. If you have another camera attached to your PC, it will be listed in the dropdown menu.

NOTE: Colorbar generator is used for testing video.

Surveillance Camera

  • Surveillance Camera settings

Communicator enables you to watch your IP surveillance camera stream at all times by simply entering its URL. Now you can turn surveillance on or off with a single click of the mouse or position it to be always on top by checking the box Always on top.


Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a widely implemented model for managing a company’s interactions with customers, clients, and sales prospects. It involves using technology to organize, automate, and synchronize business processes: sales activities, marketing, customer service, and technical support. Communicator offers implementation with your CRM system and it will make it even more efficient.

Communicator 4.x is compatible with several Customer Relationship Management solutions. We now support Salesforce, SugarCRM, Zoho, and Zendesk.

For example, if you have a CRM with all of your customers’ information in it (names, phone numbers, addresses etc.) set up for working with Communicator:

When an inbound call comes into Communicator it will pass the Caller ID to your CRM, the system will match it with your customer’s entry, and your default web browser will be launched with information about that customer.

1. CRM

Popup options

  • Popup on inbound calls when:

Choose when you want to launch the CRM customer page.

-When I answer the call
-When I receive a call

  • Popup on outband calls when:

Choose if you want to launch the CRM customer page on outband calls.

-When the call is started
-When the call is answered


  • Username:

Here you will provide the username of your CRM account.

  • Password:

Enter the password of your CRM account.

  • URL:

­The default URL that Communicator uses to connect and work with the CRM Integration Service. For local services, this URL is configured on the server, but each Communicator instance can set its own address if needed.

Logging options

Here you can choose whether you want to use logging options from the server or you want to configure which details to log. Logging options are useful if you notice some unexpected behavior so you can check log files for more information. Options:

  • Use settings from the server
  • Log inbound calls
  • Log outbound calls
  • Log answered calls
  • Log unanswered calls
  • Upload recordings

When integrated with any of the aforementioned CRMs, Communicator will synchronize CRM contacts and display them in the CRM contacts tab.


2. Call Popup

Call Popup module can be used to push the call details to browser-driven third-part software. It allows integration between the phone systen and a web based service, supported or non-supported. Its macro based URL provides great flexibility as it allows opening of a web page in default web browser, based on call details.

Custom information is represented by macros in the URL. Once the URL is used during a call, the macros will be replaced with corresponding information from the call. For every URL request, except in silent mode, a website matching the URL will be shown in the browser.

NOTE: Popups do not work for local calls. In the URL field, the following macros can be used:

%callerid% – Remote phone number
%callerid_name% – Remote party name
%ext% – Local extension
%duration% – Duration of the call
%callid% – Call ID
%direction% – Inbound or Outband

In the silent mode, the URL request will silently be sent to the server.


  • Bring application to front when I receive a call

Click on check box for bringing the application to front when you receive a call.

  • Inbound Call Popup duration

Select time in seconds for call popup duration.


By checking the checkboxes, you can turn Communicator notifications on or off:

  • Notify me when I receive a phone call
  • Notify me when a contact comes online.
  • Notify me when I receive a message.
  • Notify me when somebody joins a conference


Here you can change the default notification sounds. Double click an item to change the sound file. You can choose whether you want to play a notification sound for new messages by checking/unchecking “Always play a notification sound for new messages on chat”. You can set sounds for when:

– A contact Signs In
– A new Instant Message Received

Inbound Call Pop-up duration

  • Here you can set the number of seconds that a call pop-up will be visible.

Bring the application to the front when I receive or place a call

  • If this option is checked, Communicator will be brought to the foreground when a user receives (or places) a call.


1. Automatically set status to Away when I am idle for:

  • Use this option to decide after how much idle time Communicator should show you as Away.
  • This option is related to user’s activity (computer usage), so if no action is done on your computer after the set number of minutes, Communicator will change your status to Away.

2. Show status change messages in Chat window

  • If checked, while in a chat conversation with another contact, if the user goes away or becomes busy, a message will be displayed in that chat window and the contact will be able to see the message. For example, John Doe went away.

3. Send my “seen” status in Chat window. If disabled, you will not be able to see others “seen” status.

  • If checked, user can see if his message was read.

4. Save received files to: Here you can specify the location where Communicator will save received files:

  • Documents
  • Other

5. Navigate chat conversations with:

  • Here you can set the layout of the chat window. Whether you want your chat conversations to be in the Side Panel or in Tabs.

6. Save Chat history on this computer

  • Click on check box for this option in case that you want to save your chat history on your computer.


1. Profiles

  • Use the Add button to create a new profile. Use Edit and/or Remove on existing profiles on the list.

2. Add a new profile

  • Click on the Add button and a popup window will appear.
  • Fill in all fields to properly configure Communicator.
  • Profile name

Enter any desired name (A-Z, 0-9), for example: John Doe.

  • Server

The server host name or IP address of your system, for example: or

  • Extension

Your phone’s local extension, for example: 1029.

  • Secret

Your password is the secret code that you need for authorization with the server, for example: 93sU2e_2%

  • UAD

Choose Communicator as a User Agent Device that you use.

Click the OK button to save the configuration and finish, or the Cancel button to exit the configuration without saving.

In case that user enabled “Shared configuration”, adding multiple profiles will not be available for this account.

NOTE: Multiple profiles are not available in Shared configuration mode.



  • Polycom listening port: Specifies the local port on which Communicator will listen for Polycom events.